About Us

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About Us

The Central Sussex United Area covers an area bordered by Eastbourne, Crowborough, Haywards Heath and Lewes.

It consists of churches which are Methodist, URC or a combination of both and one of which is also linked with the Baptist denomination.

We came together in September 2007 to enable us to pool resources and support each other in our work. The Area’s governing body is the Area Meeting which meets twice a year and at which each of the participating churches is represented.

There are two Co-Leaders and various working groups which organise training events, shared worship and opportunities for consultation about future plans.

The Ministers meet together regularly for fellowship and planning and we participate in the activities of the wider bodies of which we are part, the Southern Synod of the URC and the South East Methodist District.

Click on the link to visit the Methodist South East District website and the United Reformed Southern Synod website.

Methodist South East District website

United Reformed Church Southern Synod website